GOT College kids?
I REALLY wish Shakeology had been around when our kids were in college! OH things would have been SO much easier for them!!
Amy was a vegetarian in college and really struggled with the meal choices on campus! She lived on pasta, pasta, pizza, pasta and an occasional piece of lettuce. She struggled with lack of energy, frequent colds and weight gain (no wonder!).
Taylor was ALWAYS in a hurry! He never had time for breakfast and was always running on fumes! He lived on Starbucks coffee! Many days he would not eat until dinner!!! He had trouble with his energy and really struggled with staying focused with his studies (no wonder!).
So, what’s a mom to do? Sending them off knowing they are getting even ONE healthy meal/day would be a good thing, right? Shakeology, if you haven’t already heard, fits the bill to a ’T’ AND, they will think they are drinking a Steak-n-Shake milk tastes THAT good.
But, even if you have to keep it a secret (we all know the word ‘healthy’ can make college kids do an about face!) YOU will know that it is full of superfoods, phytonutrients, antioxidants, probiotics, and a ton more of the TOP NOTCH nutrition that you know will give your college kid an advantage over the rest of the co-eds.
I remember that ‘freshman 15’ and how I ate in college! Fast food has become a LOT worse since way back then, filled with more things we can’t pronounce, stripped of nutrients, and hidden with additives!
So, as you are saying your teary-eyed good-bye’s (or even secretly jumping for joy to have your house back to normal, lol) this August, know that you CAN give them a MUCH healthier college experience.
Just a scoop of Shakeology, water/milk, & a blender…super easy, super fast - just the way they like it! As they are pulling those all-nighters, drinking their ‘shakes,’ you will feel like you deserve the BEST MOM award, sending them off with a monthly supply of more nutrition in one meal than they might otherwise not have in all 4 years put together!
Your student can have his Shakeology delivered right to his dorm, apartment, or house. And you can be holding that ‘BEST MOM’ mug high, smiling, with a great feeling inside for all you do...then, wait for the next ‘Please Send Money’ text message to appear on your phone, lol.
It's worth a try isn't it? Why not supply them with what they need to fuel BOTH their brains and their bodies!!!
If you would like more info on how to help your college kids (or even high school kids) get their healthiest meal of the day just e-mail me for a free taster packet. Please write "Free Taster Packet" in the subject line. Send an e-mail with your mailing address to
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