Tuesday, May 10, 2016

What is the #1 Habit that will keep you on track?

What is the #1 Habit that will keep you on track?

Recently, the important question that came up, "What is the #1 HABIT you can have when you are working toward your health and fitness goals?"

I think we can all agree that a habit is anything you do regularly, but according to the definition, a habit also needs to be done automatically—as in, without really thinking about it. Which is why identifying habits by yourself is so hard. How can you think about the stuff that you don’t have to think about?

Which is probably why we might not pick up on this as a habit. And it’s exactly why this habit is SO important for reaching our health and fitness goals.

You see, all habits need a trigger—a little reminder that says, “Hey, you should do this action now.” They also need a reward—a little reminder that what you just did was a good thing. But these are really hard to identify by yourself because they happen below our level of consciousness. It’s really hard to remember new triggers, and it’s hard to remember to reward yourself. Habits are hard. But this is the one habit that makes all of our other habits easy.

A LOT of research has been done about this and I have read MANY articles written by psychologists and experts in the field. The results from many studies actually showed that THE #1 Habit YOU should have to keep you on track toward your health and fitness goals is: 
Finding people to SHARE your journey.

Permanent lifestyle changes tend to happen in relationships. Whether they take place with peers, a coach, family, friends, coworkers or with the people in our challenge groups...new habits happen when people get together and HELP each other out.

Finding your own triggers is hard. Seeing other people’s triggers is easy. Remembering to tell yourself, “GREAT job!” is hard. Remembering to tell other people is easy. Figuring out how to work in new foods, new activities, and new steps into your own life is hard. Watching and learning from a whole bunch of other people just like you, who are trying to get to the same place you are, is just so much EASIER!!

I call this habit, this all-important #1 HABIT, “Creating a community of consistency.” Which is exactly why having a coach and staying involved in our challenge groups or telling a friend or close family member what you’re doing and why is SO important! Whatever you can do to share the load of learning, planning, remembering, and rewarding will be one less thing you have to worry about. 

Proof of this is evident in the success stories that happen EVERY DAY in my accountability groups! Healthy habits formed which are creating new, healthier lifestyles! My next group is starting in a few weeks...why don't YOU join us?? 

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