My PASSION is about to show "just a little" smile emotiI'd LOVE you to read further to see exactly what FUELS MY FIRE...
I had a discussion recently with my mom about her working SO HARD at being the BEST care giver for my dad possible that in the meantime she has put her OWN HEALTH on the back burner.
She is totally AMAZING but realized that she has neglected her health, and it's showing. She has stopped walking her 2 miles every night. She has been skipping her Shakeology and eating frozen lunches again and she is REALLY feeling the effects!! She told me earlier this week that she NEEDS her nightly walks and her Shakeology EVERY DAY to help keep her healthy!!! (music to my ears!!!)
So here's what has got me ALL FIRED UP!! We ALONE make the choice to take care of ourselves. No one can do it but us!!!
How in the HECK can we expect to take care of our children or our spouse or our aging parents if we haven't taken care of ourselves FIRST?? It's impossible really!!
It's not being fact it's the exact OPPOSITE!!
I don't know about you... But I DO NOT intend on becoming a burden on someone else because I didn't do everything within my power to stay healthy.
The cost of eating healthy is MINIMAL to the PRICE WE PAY for neglecting our health.
I KNOW that we have NO IDEA what is in the cards for our future but I don't want to look back and think, "Darn! I should have taken better care of myself."
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